Other achievements include...
- Passed rules to ban advertising from Fossil Fuel companies [CLIMATE fossil ad ban]
- Exposed attempts by the casinos to create semi-autonomous Business Districts. [DEMOCRACY standing up to the casino / anti-corruption]
- TRAFFIC Streets for people not cars/ community street parties - ??
- Secured a review of Developer Contributions to Affordable Housing (currently only 3% while London has minimum of 35%) [ HOUSING increasing developer contributions for new affordable housing and review underway]
- Changed Planning rules so that 15% of all new builds will meet Platinum standard and the remainder will meet Silver [HOUSING improving accessibility standards for new residential buildings]
- Founded the City of Sydney Housing for All Working Group and secured Council funding for an Affordable Housing Officer [HOUSING first dedicated affordable housing role and established a Housing for All advisory committee]
- Secured a commitment to reopen the Darlington Activity Centre which has been closed for four years [DEMOCRACY Reopen the Darlington Activity Centre]
- Hosted the first Basic Income and the Arts Forum in Sydney [ARTS Basic income and the arts forum]
- Successfully Passed a motion for the City of Sydney to support the Bloody Big Survery [INEQUALITY/ COMMUNITY Period poverty]
- Moved a motion to protect Drag Story Time at the NSW Local Government Conference. Unfortunately defeated by conservative rural councillors [INEQUALITY/ COMMUNITY Drag Story Time]